About Epicenter Church
Epicenter Church opened its doors to the people of Gurnee and this region Sunday, July 26, 2015.
But its story goes back many years. For quite some time God has been stirring the hearts of people in this area to experience more. There are a lot of good churches, with a lot of good Bible studies and small groups that are doing a great work. But somehow, there seemed as if there had to be more. It was frustrating for many people as they read in their Bibles about the supernatural power of God, that it didn't seem to be making the jump to the world in which we live today. There seemed to be something missing: a disconnect between the God of the Bible and the God of now. It was as if there was a hole in the Gospel somehow. In looking closer, it seemed that there were so many Christians in our world today who were content to just simply experience salvation and then study the truth of God's Word. Those are both wonderful things. The problem is, that isn't enough and it didn't line up with the way that Jesus did things while he was on Earth. On closer examination, not only was it not the way Jesus did it, it wasn't the way the disciples or the New Testament church did it either!
How Did Jesus Do It?
Jesus spoke both the truth AND displayed God's awesome power wherever he went. There is hardly a time in the Gospels (the 4 books that tell the story of Jesus - Matthew, Mark, Luke, John) where we see Jesus teaching truth without a powerful display of supernatural power (miracles, signs, wonders). Later on, Luke writes in Acts 10:38 about Jesus, "how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and power, and how he went around doing good and healing all who were under the power of the devil, because God was with him." Countless times in the Gospels we hear of Jesus preaching the truth and doing amazing signs & wonders and healing ALL who were present.
How Did the Disiples Do It?
In Matthew, Jesus sends his disciples out for the first time with the mandate to proclaim truth and accompany it with power. Matthew 10:1-2;7-8 "Jesus called his twelve disciples to him and gave them authority to drive out impure spirits and to heal every disease and sickness...As you go, proclaim this message: ‘The kingdom of heaven has come near.’ Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse those who have leprosy, drive out demons. Freely you have received; freely give."
How Did Paul Do It?
Even Paul in his letter to the Romans said this, (Romans 15:18-19) - "I will not venture to speak of anything except what Christ has accomplished through me in leading the Gentiles to obey God by what I have said and done— by the power of signs and wonders,through the power of the Spirit of God. So from Jerusalem all the way around to Illyricum, I have fully proclaimed the gospel of Christ."
Interesting - he both said and did; in the power of signs & wonders (Just like Jesus); in the power of the Holy Spirit, but notice the final phrase. He FULLY proclaimed the Gospel by doing all these things. Paul is saying that in order to fully proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ, it MUST be be done in...
How We Are Called To Do It
And that is the journey that God has called Epicenter Church to follow. We desire with all our hearts that God would once again display his transforming, healing, loving, restoring, overwhelming supernatural power on this earth....
And He is...